

Joseph Stiglitz, a entrada e a saída da crise mundial. Leitura obrigatória.

Ainda não cheguei ao fim das trezentas páginas e posso ter algum desilusão com a parte final, mas para abrir o apetite a quem esteja curioso, talvez estes dois parágrafos da parte inicial do livro ajudem:

This book is about a battle of ideas, about the ideas that led to the failed policies that precipitated the crisis and about the lessons that we take away from it. In time, every crisis ends. But no crisis, especially one of this severity, passes without leaving a legacy. The legacy of 2008 will include new perspectives on the long-staning conflict over the kind of economic system most likely to deliver the greatest benefit. The battle between capitalism and communism may be over, but market ecoonmies come in many variations and the contest among them rages on (Preface, p. xii)

"As the Unites States entered the first Gulf War in 1990, General Colin Powell articulated what came to be called the Powell doctrine, one element in which included attacking with decisive force. There should be something analogous in ecoonmics, perhaps the Krugman-Stiglitz doctrine. When an ecoonmy is weak, very weak as the world economy in early 2009, attack with overwhelming force. A government can always hold back the extra ammunition if it has it ready to spend, but not having the ammunition ready can have long-lasting effects. Attacking the problem with insufficient ammunition was a dangerous strategy, especially as it became increasingly clear that the Obama adminsitration had underestimated the strength of the downturn, including the increase in unemployment" (Chapter 2, Freefall and its aftermath, pp. 34-35)

Stiglitz, Joseph, Freefall, free markets and the sinking of the global economy, London, Allen Lane, 2010.

1 comentário:

  1. Talvez Angela Merkel leia este livro de Joseph Stiglitz. Esperemos que Sócrates lho recomende.
